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冼若冰/Professor of Classics

职务/职称:Professor of Classics (Ancient Greek Philology)

办公地点:Room 2009, West Guanghua,220 Handan Road, Shanghai Tower


研究方向:Ancient Greek Philology

Basic Information

Ruobing Xian

Handan Road 220, Fudan University

West Guanghua Tower 2009

Shanghai 200433

(Office hour per E-mail)


• 12/2013–06/2015 University Heidelberg, Classics (Dr. phil.)

• 04/2012–11/2013 University Heidelberg, Classics (MA)

• 10/2008–11/2011 Humboldt University, Historical Linguistics/Classics (BA)

Professional Employment

• As of 12/2022 Professor of Classics, Fudan University

• 12/2018–11/2022 Associate Professor of Classics, Fudan University

• 12/2016–11/2018 Assistant Professor of Classics, Fudan University


• 11.2015–07.2016 Visiting Member of Corpus Christi College, Oxford

Current Projects

• A Commentary on Iliad 12

• Closure in Ancient Greek Literature



Raum und Erzählung in der Odyssee, Leiden: Brill 2021 (Mnemosyne Supplements 444)

Review: Christos Tsagalis, Classical Review 73.2 (2023), 410–412

In Preparation:

Early Greek Hexameter Poetry and its Ancient Reception (Trends in Classics Supplementary Volumes, accepted) [Kleine Schriften]



• ‘Two Notes on Stesichorus, Geryoneis fr. 15 D–F’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik

• ‘A New Interpretation of Hesiod, Catalogue of Women fr. 75.13–25 MW’, Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete

• ‘ἐπελήκεον (Od. 8,379) and ληκώμεθα (Aristoph. Thesm. 493)’, Rheinisches Museum für Philologie

• ‘Narrative Design and Doublets: Democedes in Herodotus’s Histories’, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology

• ‘陈康论“有价值的翻译”—《柏拉图〈巴曼尼得斯篇〉》译注序名言新诠’,《现代中国人文学刊》


• ‘Hesiod, Catalogue of Women fr. 70.1–7 MW’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 229, 14–16.

‘Homeric ἴσκε(ν) (Od. 19.203; 22.31) and its Reception in Apollonius and Theocritus’, Hermes 152, 57–67.


• ‘Iliad 9.392 on a Ptolemaic Papyrus’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik

227, 1–2.

‘Two Notes on the Pseudo-Hesiodic Aspis (ἆτον, 59; ἄαται, 101)’, Classical Philology 118, 104–108.

‘Athena’s Mention of Orestes in Hom. Od. 1.298–302’, Greece & Rome 70, 100–110.

‘The End of Sophocles’ Philoctetes and the Significance of ΓΝΩΜΗ’, Hermes 151, 23–39.


‘Homeric ΠΕΡΘΕΤΟ (Il. 12.15), ΠΕΡΘΟΜΕΝΗ (Il. 2.374 = 4.291 = 13.816), and ΠΕΡΘΑΙ (Il. 16.708)’, Glotta 98, 313–320.

‘Homeric δέχαται (Il. 12.147) Reconsidered’, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 62, 255–262.


‘Blameless Aegisthus Revisited’, Mnemosyne 74, 181–199.

‘A Note on Aratus’ Phaenomena 100–107’, Athenaeum 109, 597–601.


‘The Cyrus Anecdote in Herodotus 9.122’, Classical Quarterly 70, 16–26.

‘Scepter and Spear in Euripides’ Iphigenia in Tauris’, Museum Helveticum 77, 188–193.

‘The Dramatization of Emotions in Iliad 24.552–658’, Philologus 164, 181–196.


‘ΚΛΕΟΣ ΑΦΘΙΤΟΝ in Sappho fr. 44.4 V’, Hermes 147, 392–405.


‘A Note on ἀγοράν in Pindar N. 3.14’, Mnemosyne 71, 169–172.

‘Habrocomes’ Lament in Xenophon of Ephesus’ Ephesiaca 5.1.12–13’, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 58, 55–66.

Locus amoenus und sein Gegenstück in Od. 5’, Hermes 146, 132–148.

‘Zur Beschreibung des Alkinoos-Palasts (Od. 7,84–132)’, Philologus 162, 189–207.

‘Aristotle, Poetics 23, 1459a35–37’, Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 161, 287–294.


‘Zur Etymologie von gr. μόθος’, Glotta 93, 250–254.

‘An Etymological Note on Homeric ὑπόδρα’, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 57, 261–267.

‘Die Ithakalandschaft in Od. 13’, Mnemosyne 70, 537–561.

‘Two Notes on Philostratus’ Imagines 2.28 (‘Looms’)’, Classical Quarterly 67, 335–338.

‘Der Chronotopos der Ziegeninsel (Hom. Od. 9.116–141)’, Mnemosyne 70, 899–919.

‘Geschlossener Raum und narrative Spannung in der Odyssee’, Materiali e Discussioni 79, 9–29.


• ‘Recent Homeric Research: A Postscript’, Museum Sinicum 西方古典学辑刊5 (2023), 167–175.

• ‘Recent Homeric Research’, Museum Sinicum 西方古典学辑刊1 (2018), 217–230.


Autumn Semester 2024

• Plato Republic I; Herodotus Histories I

• Seminar (Ancient Greek Philology): Hesiod, Catalogue of Women


在中国大学研究西方古典学|冼若冰教授访谈,分析哲学的日常 2024

博睿作者对谈—古典学’(with 程炜),Brill博睿学术 2022

• ‘访谈|复旦大学冼若冰老师访谈录,北大古典语文学 2019

冼若冰:古典语文学之旅,文汇学人 2019