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基本信息 Basic Information




Jodie Yuzhou SUN

220 Handan Rd., Yangpu District

Shanghai 200433, China


学习经历 Education

DPhil History历史学博士

牛津大学University of Oxford, 2019

MSc African Studies非洲研究硕士

牛津大学University of Oxford, 2014

BA hons. International Studies with French (First Class)


宁波诺丁汉大学University of Nottingham Ningbo China, 2013

工作经历 Academic Employment


复旦大学历史学系副教授Associate Professor, Department of History, Fudan University, China


复旦大学历史学系青年副研究员Senior Lecturer, Department of History, Fudan University, China


斯坦福大学非洲研究中心访问学者Visiting Scholar, Center for African Studies, Stanford University, USA


复旦发展研究院非常驻研究员Non-resident Research Fellow, Center for BRICS Studies, Fudan Development Institute


南非自由省大学国际问题研究中心兼职研究员Research Fellow, International Studies Group, University of the Free State, South Africa


宁波诺丁汉大学国际事务与国际关系学系助理研究员Assistant Research Fellow, School of International Studies, University of Nottingham Ningbo China

论文发表 Publications


· “‘Third World Crossings’: Afro-Asian Networks, Decolonisation and the Cold War”, book manuscript in preparation.

· Kenya’s and Zambia’s Relations with China 1949-2019 (Oxford: James Currey, 2023).

Journal Articles (referred)

· “‘Militant Africa’ in the Twentieth Century: Modern China’s Historical Discourses of War and Military in Africa”, in preparation.

· “‘A second Vietnam’: Liberation struggles in Africa and Mao’s ‘continuous revolution’ (1955-1968)”, in preparation.

· “‘A new mission in the African bush’: Chinese military training for the Zambian Defence Force, 1972-74”, under review.

· “‘A single spark can start a prairie fire’: Viriato da Cruz e o seu exílio chinês”, CITCEM (Center for Transdisciplinary Research Culture, Space and Memory, University of Porto), forthcoming in 2024.

· With Mingqing Yuan and Lifang Zhang, ‘“Third World” Crossings: Afro-Asian Travelogues in the early 1960s’, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Vol. 25, No. 6 (2023): 846-863.

· “‘Cash and arms but unable to fight’: Chinese support of Lumumbist insurgencies in the Congo Crisis (1959-65)”, Cold War History, Vol. 22, No. 4 (2022): 459-478 (H-Diplo Article Review 1153:

· 《冷战史新研究视域下的非洲对外关系史》,《中国非洲学刊》,2021年第4期,第130-142页。

· “Viriato da Cruz and his Chinese exile: A biographical approach”, Journal of Southern African Studies, Vol. 46, No. 5 (2020): 845-861.

· “‘Now the cry was Communism’: the Cold War and Kenya’s relations with China (1964-1970)”, Cold War History, Vol. 20, No. 1 (2020): 39-58.

· “Historicizing African socialisms: Kenyan African socialism, Zambian Humanism, and Communist China’s entanglements”, International Journal of African Historical Studies, Vol. 52, No. 3 (2019): 349-374.

Book Chapters

· “The past in the present of China-Africa relations: An examination of mining, health, and infrastructure sectors”, After Bandung: Africa and China in a New Era, edited by Vivien Chang and Benedito Machava (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, under review).

· “Testing for ‘Genuine Revolutionary Leaderships’: China’s Support of Liberation Struggles in Congo and Angola (1960-1966)”, Communist Actors in African Decolonial Transitions – A Comparison (1957 – 1994), edited by Lena Dallywater, Chris Saunders, and Helder Adegar Fonseca (Berlin: De Gruyter, forthcoming in 2024).

· With Mingqing Yuan, ‘Networking Liberation, Translating Revolution: China’s Support of Anti-colonial Struggles in Lusophone Africa (1954-1975)”, The Liberation of Portuguese Africa, 1961-75, edited by Pedro Aires Oliveira, Fernando Tavares Pimenta and Aurora Almada e Santos (Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming).

· “Africa and China”, Africa in Global History: A Handbook, edited by Toyin Falola and Mohammed Bashir Salau (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2021): 315-333.

Book Reviews

· H-Diplo Roundtable Review of R. Joseph Parrott and Mark Atwood Lawrence eds., The Tricontinental Revolution: Third World Radicalism and the Cold War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, forthcoming in 2024.

· Connections Review of Mayke Kaag, Guive Khan-Mohammad and Stefan Schmid, Destination Africa: Contemporary Africa as a Centre of Global Encounter. Brill, 2021.

· International Affairs Review of Alessandro Iandolo, Arrested development: the Soviet Union in Ghana, Guinea, and Mali, 1955–1968. Ithaca, CA, and London: Cornell University Press. 2022 & Natalia Telepneva, Cold War liberation: the Soviet Union and the collapse of the Portuguese empire in Africa, 1961–1975. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press. 2022.

· International Affairs Review of Sabella O. Abidde and Tokunbo A. Ayoola eds., China in Africa: Between imperialism and partnership in humanitarian development. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2021.

· H-Diplo Review of Michele Louro, Carolien Stolte, Heather Streets-Salter, and Sana Tannoury-Karam eds., The League Against Imperialism: Lives and Afterlives. Leiden: Leiden University, 2021.

Other Publications

· “The Private Practice Heirs of China’s Socialist Aid Program”, Sixth Tone, September 2023.

· “Kenya’s and Zambia’s Relations with China 1949-2019”, African Griot, Boydell&Brewer, February 2023.

· 《一场被忽视的大选与一位等待了十五年的总统》,《非洲研究小组》, 2021年8月18日.

· 《南非全国封锁与暴力执法:警权、国家权力与后种族隔离时代》,《澎湃新闻-思想市场》, 2020年5月31日.

· “Wahuriu Itote (General China)”, Key stage resources for GCSE course ‘Migration, Empires and the People’, Faculty of History, University of Oxford, online, September 2017.

· 《非洲“洛齐人”的故事:“那时我们的伊甸园发生了什么?》,《东方历史评论》, 2016年5月9日.

· “The Two Challenges of Writing China-Africa Relations”, Oxford University China Africa Network, online, 3 February 2016.

· 《行走赞比亚:感受拜上帝和跳大神共存的精神信仰》, 《CRI行走非洲》, 2016年11月1日.

《围观2016年赞比亚五合一大选:一场政治表演背后的历史逻辑》, 《史学研究》, 2016年9月5日.

教学经历 Teaching Experience

Qualification & Awards

· First Class Undergraduate Programs in Shanghai [上海高校市级一流本科课程], January 2024

· 复旦大学第十八期教师教学发展研修班, 2021

· Developing Learning and Teaching Certificate, accredited by the Staff and Education Development Association, April 2019

In Stanford

· Designed and delivered teaching for an advanced undergraduate and graduate course ‘Africa and China: Pasts and Presents’, 2024

In Fudan

· 本科:《撒哈拉以南的非洲的近现代史》、《中国、第三世界与冷战》、《20世纪的世界》Designed and delivered teaching for three undergraduate courses: ‘Modern History of Sub-Saharan Africa’, ‘China, the Third World, and the Cold War’, ‘The World in the 20th Century’, 2019-22

· 硕士:《撒哈拉以南的非洲冷战史》、《近代中国外交研究》、《专业外语》Designed and delivered teaching for three master courses: ‘The Cold War in Sub-Saharan Africa’, ‘A Study of the Diplomacy of Modern China’ and ‘Academic English for Historians’, 2020-22

· Taught undergraduate survey course ‘World History’, Jinan University Summer Session, Guangzhou, 2020

In Oxford

· Lectured, ran seminar groups and provided tutorial teaching for two undergraduate courses: ‘Imperialism and Nationalism: Sub-Saharan Africa, 1830-1980’ and ‘Politics in Sub-Saharan Africa’, Faculty of History and Department of Politics and International Relations, 2017-19

Delivered lecture on ‘Africa and China’ for Core Course 2 ‘Themes in African History and Social Sciences’, MSc African Studies, 2017-19

学生指导Student Supervision

In Fudan:

· 复旦大学任重书院导师,2024

· 复旦大学历史学系世界史博士后导师,2022

· 复旦大学历史学系EMA硕士项目导师,2022

· 复旦大学世界史本科生毕业论文答辩,2022

· 北京大学燕京学堂硕士学位论文外审,2021

· 上海大学硕士学位论文外审,2020

In Oxford:

Co-supervised two undergraduate theses on African history, 2018/19

科研项目与学术奖励Research Grants & Awards

· Institute of Advanced Studies Open Programme (£3,500), Loughborough University, 2023

· 复旦大学国合处“双一流”建设项目Office of Global Partnerships (Key Projects Development Fund, ¥220,000), Fudan University, 2023-2025

· Chinese in Africa/Africans in China Research Network Local Chapter Award ($5,000), 2023

· 复旦大学人文社科青年融合创新项目(参与,¥300,000), 2023

· 国家社科基金青年项目National Social Science Fund of China Programme (¥200,000), 2022-2025

· 上海市“浦江人才”资助项目Shanghai Pujiang Programme (¥150,000), Shanghai Municipal Government, 2021-2024

· 上海高校智库内涵建设计划项目Shanghai University Think Tank Fund (¥71,000), Shanghai Municipal Government, 2021-2022

· Fudan International Summer School Best Teaching Award (¥6,000), 2021&2022

· Beit Scholarship (£12,000, two awards per year), Faculty of History, University of Oxford, 2018-2019

· China Scholarship Council-Oxford Scholarship (overseas tuition fees, College fee and living allowances; 11 national awards per year), 2015-2018

· Beit Fund Travel Grant (£2,500), Arnold, Bryce and Read Fund (£250), Faculty of History, University of Oxford, 2015-2019

· Keble Association Travel Grant (£2,500), Mavis Gibson Prize Fund (£525), Graduate Study Support Fund (£350), Keble College, University of Oxford, 2015-2019

· Small Thematic Research Grant (£1,000), British Institute in Eastern Africa, 2016

· Recent Graduate Award/UNNC Alumni of the Year (two awards per year), University of Nottingham, 2017

Outstanding College Graduate of Zhejiang Province, Best Student Award Graduation 2013 of School of International Studies, President’s Scholarship, The Best Student of the Year, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, 2009-2013

受邀讲座Invited Talks (since 2016)

· 2024年:Georgetown University; Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University; Institute of Advanced Studies, Loughborough University; Free University of Berlin; University of Amsterdam; University of Vienna.

· 2023年:Penn State African Studies Global Virtual Forum; ‘Communications as Solidarity’ Global South International Communications Conference; Africa Table at Stanford University

· 2022年:KCL “Africa in Global History” Book Launch Event; 中国社科院《殖民地时期非洲史研究与编纂学术咨询会》;中国非洲史年会

· 2021年:第一届“流动中的亚非研究”工作坊;上海市世界史学会年会;中国社科院《殖民地时期非洲史研究与编纂学术研讨会》;复旦大学世界史青年论坛

· “Historicising African Socialisms”, School of International Studies, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, March 2021.

· 第十六届北京师范大学世界史研究生冬季论坛,2020年12月.

· “Africa and Decolonisation workshop”, Global & Imperial History Research Seminar Hilary Term 2018, University of Oxford, February 2018

· African Studies Seminar, African Studies Centre, University of Oxford, October 2017

· Georgetown University, D.C., March 2017

· Hilary Postgraduate Research Seminars, China Centre, University of Oxford, January 2017

British Institute in Eastern Africa, Nairobi, August 2016

会议论文Conference Papers (since 2015)

· ‘Africans and War in Vietnam: Global Protest, Liberation Politics & Transnational Soldiers’, Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford, June 2024.

· ‘Rethinking African Agency Across Continents and Oceans: A Workshop in Honor of Richard Roberts’, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University, May 2024.

· 2024 Annual Conference for the Association for Asian Studies, Seattle, March 2024.

· 66th Annual Meeting of African Studies Association, San Francisco, November-December 2023.

· Conferência Internacional “Mandei-lhe uma carta”: a obra poética e o pensamento político de Viriato da Cruz (1928-1973), Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Portugal, June 2023.

· ‘After Bandung: Africa and China in a New Era’, Yale University, New Haven, US, April 2023.

· Anticolonial Struggle, Transnational Solidarity and Agency of Individual Actors: Dialogues with the Portuguese Colonies, 1945-1975, Nova University of Lisbon and University of Florence, Portugal, January 2023.

· Southern African Historical Society Conference, South Africa, June 2022.

· African Studies Association 64th Virtual Annual Meeting, US, November 2021.

· 第五届全国世界史中青年学者论坛, 2021年9月

· International Conference on “Competing Socialisms: The Sino-Soviet Rivalry in Africa during the Cold War”, Bielefeld University, May 2021

· CA/AC Research Network 5th Online Mini-Symposium “Africa Looking East: A Global History of Africa-China Engagement”, May 2021

· Global China Research Centre, University of Exeter, UK, June 2019

· “Liberation beyond the Nation: Comparisons, Interactions and Methodologies”, Journal of Southern African Studies conference organised by the University of Oxford and the University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa, April 3019

· African Studies Association of the UK biennial conference, Birmingham, UK, September 2018

· Association of African Studies in Germany, Leipzig, Germany, June 2018

· CA/AC Research Network Annual Conference, Brussels, Belgium, June 2018

· LSE-GWU-UCSB Graduate Student Conference on the Cold War, London, UK, May 2018

· Int'l Think Tanks Conference on BRICS, Xiamen, China, July 2017

· African Studies Association 58th Annual Meeting, San Diego, US, November 2015

学术兼职Academic Associations and Activities

Journal & Publisher Reviews

· ‘Afrasia: Contours, Crossings, Connections’ Book Series, University of Pittsburgh Press

· African Affairs; International Journal of African Historical Studies; Geopolitics; Revue d’Histoire Contemporaine de l’Afrique; Journal of Asian and African Studies; Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences

Leadership in Academic Associations

· Fellow, Royal Historical Society

· Executive Board Member, Chinese in Africa/Africans in China (CA/AC) Research Network

· Founder, China-Africa Shanghai International Network (CASIN) 上海中非关系研究网络创始人

· 中国非洲史研究会理事;上海市世界史学会

· African Studies Association of the UK, the U.S., and China, British Institute in Eastern Africa, and Southern Africa Institute for Policy and Research

Advisory and University Services

· “第二届中非青年创新创业大赛”主旨演讲嘉宾,同济大学、科技部国际合作司、中国科学技术交流中心、湖北省科技厅共同主办,2023

· 复旦大学历史学系全国优秀大学生夏令营,2022

· 上海市历史学专业本科生四校论坛,2021

· 复旦大学非洲学生社团 (FASA) 顾问

· Student Representative, Faculty of History’s Annual Alumni Event, University of Oxford, June 2019

· Discussant, ‘Graduate Approaches to Global History’, Oxford Transitional and Global History Seminar, University of Oxford, June 2019

· Co-convenor, ‘Studying Africa, Studying Anywhere: Area Studies for an Interconnected World’, Researching Africa Day 2017, University of Oxford, March 2017

· Advisor and co-organiser, Oxford University China Africa Network (OUCAN) annual conferences, research seminars, and discussion groups, 2015-2019

· Convenor, Zambia Discussion Group, University of Oxford, 2016


· English: fluent

· Mandarin Chinese: native fluent

· French: good reading, intermediate spoken, limited writing