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信息来源:      发布日期:2014-07-15      点击数:


电子版请发至:qiaofei@fudan.edu.cn。纸质版请交到1904室或者乔飞 信箱

一. 名额和要求

1. 1名

2. 本科生或研究生均可,研究生优先。

3. 交流时间:半年

二. 学习时间:2015春季学期

三. 申请截至时间: 2014年10月15日

四. 报名材料:

1. 简历Curriculum vitae

2. 申请信Letter of motivation

3. 日语水平证明Proof of Japanese language level (if applicable)

4. 护照复印件一份(个人信息和到期日期)1 copy of your passport (personal details and expiry dates)

5. 成绩单(Transcript)



Timeline for Admission and Academic Schedule 2015spring

Study abroad from Semester 1 (April 2015)

Notification of acceptance End of Dec, 2014

Release of COE End of Feb, 2015

Release of Orientation Schedule Mid Mar, 2015

Arrival in Japan End of Mar, 2015

Orientation week for Exchange Students 1st week of Apr, 2015

Lectures begin 1st week of Apr, 2015

Lectures end 4th week of Jul, 2015

Examinations 4th week of Jul to beginning of Aug, 2015

Farewell Ceremony Early Aug, 2015